Monday, February 1, 2016

The Wounds of Christ

As a part of his Saints-life St. Francis was said to have received the Stigmata, or the wounds of Christ. The wounds of Christ included the piercings in the wrists (or hands) and ankle, as well as a wound in the side of the abdomen from where Jesus was stabbed. It was said that these wounds were a gift from God to show that Francis had lived his life in a way that imitated Christ.

It is important to note that while St. Francis was referred to as another Christ, he was not thought of as equal to or instead of Christ. The idea that Christ had been perfect from birth and that St. Francis had merely been perfect from conversion shows a necessary distinction between a nearly perfect man and a perfect divine man. The gift from God is captured in this painting by the artist Giotto.

One thing to consider about this painting is the halo around St. Francis' head, denoting his piety. Another is the glory of the seraphim which humbles St. Francis and brings him to his knees, but St. Francis does not fall down and worship which keeps with Christian tradition. In the Bible, when Angels appeared to humans they would fall down and worship and the Angel would tell the humans not to worship them. St. Francis is merely kneeling in submission (and probably pain), rather then worship. I believe this speaks to St. Francis character even after being recognized for exemplary character.  

1 comment:

  1. One of the things that is different about this image is the 6 winged angel imposed on what seems to be Christ. Notice Giotto's perspective with respect to Francis and the heavens.


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