The Gutenberg Bible
The Gutenberg Bible was the first major book
printed with movable type. It is not only an astonishing book itself, which is
printed with great accuracy and decorated in a detailed way; the Gutenberg
Bible also represents the start of the so-called “Gutenberg Revolution” and the
spreading of printed books as a medium.
Gutenberg invented the process of the printing press, books were produced
entirely by hand, normally by monks. It is not hard to imagine, that this
method took months to copy even a small book. Gutenberg then found a way of
mass-producing individual pieces of type in metal. He was able to produce
hundreds of pieces of type, which then could be set up in phrases and pages and
being printed on a printing press. Afterward he could use them again and set
them up in a new way. With that Gutenberg also guaranteed (for the first time)
a consistent and clear font all over the book.
