When someone thinks of King Henry the VIII of England,
typically the initial thought is about his six wives and the split with the
Catholic Church. Yet this one of kind king also had a one of kind codpiece. This
interesting piece of fashion was initially designed for modesty to ensure that
the male genitals would remain covered no matter what the man was wearing or
doing. Eventually this innocent and modest piece of garment quickly became a
fashion statement that quickly became essential for everybody who wanted to be
somebody. Yet King Henry VII took this to a whole new level as his codpiece
grew in size over his lifetime to prove its that this piece of garment met a
kingly level. Eventually Henry VII had padded his codpiece so much that it was
an unbelievable size; even for a king. Also due to the large size of some codpieces that people would hide valuables and even possibly weapons in them. So in-essence this became a multi-purpose piece of fashion, that also offered battlefield protection to ensure the Henry VII could have his baby boy. Unfortunately, though this fashion died
out in England after Queen Elizabeth I came to power as she has no need for such gaudy fashion.
Definitely reflects masculinity and gender!