This painting, called the The Three Graces,was made by Raphael in 1506, and was a probably a panel in diptych given to Scipione di Tommaso Borghese. The first panel has Scipio, the sleeping knight, choose between Venus, who represents pleasure, and Minerva, who represents Virtue; this panel has three graces rewarding his choice, virtue, with the Golden Apples of the Hesperides. The painting is composed with a sense of harmony and balance. The three graces personify grace and beauty, and are the handmaidens of goddesses, usually Venus. What each of the three graces represent has been disputed; some say its the giving, receiving, and returning of gifts, while others saw them as three phases of love: beauty, arousing desire, leading to fulfillment, and others say they symbolize Chastity, Beauty, and Love. The Three Graces are in their classical pose, seen throughout centuries of painting, with two facing the audience while one is turned away. This painting was the first to display the a female's nude front and back. It was based on a classical sculpture of the Three Graces found in Siena.
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